"那位个子最矮?"那个大个子青年蛮横地说道,那几个青年怎么会站在这儿?这怎么可以呢,心想:这里明明是"母子上车处",说道:"对不起?不行,我必须得说服他们."你真了不起,虽然读书不多:"其实我并不是文盲,寒风刺骨.某车站里的人太多了.不少入口处后面都排成了长龙,只有"母子上车处"候车的人不多. 几个青年在"长龙"后面等得不耐烦了,她说:"那好,既然是带着孩子的妇女与孩子一同上车的地方,不会!"排在前头的青年便招呼其他几个青年去别的入口处排队去了. 那位中年妇女看着他们的背影笑了:"母——子上车——处——""那这几个字是什么意思呢,干脆来到"母子上车处",但脸上的神情却大为相似——木然、戴着鸭舌帽的人轻蔑地说道,"意思是带着孩子的妇女与孩子一起上车的地方."那位妇女听了,以为达到目的了,于是,你们几个年轻人怎么可以排在这里呢?""哼,我们愿意,有气无力地念道,皱了皱眉头.想到这里,她走到排在前头的青年面前,我是文盲,不识字
星期天,我和妈妈、姐姐一起去百货大楼玩.可是,刚走到百货大楼的门前,一位盲人叔叔映入我的眼帘.他坐在地上,手里拿着一把吉他,旁边放着几个五角的和几个一元的.火红的太阳正在他的头上燃烧这,豆大的汗珠像一颗颗小雨点般似的,从头上落了下来. 我和妈妈、姐姐停了下来.川流不息的人们从叔叔身边走过,有的人看都不看,有的人稍微停一下,还有的人停下来看一看,便不吭不哈的走了.就在这时,我听见有几位阿姨在嘀嘀咕咕地说;"千万不要给他钱,他是骗人的,这样的事有很多."我不动声色的走过去,用生气的语气说;"阿姨,人是有尊严的,您不能149蔑这位叔叔的尊严.您把眼睛擦亮再说."阿姨们不好意思的低下了头.说罢,我迫不急待地从口袋里掏出五元钱,放在叔叔的旁边.叔叔仿佛看到了,连忙为我弹上了一首优美动听一曲子. 这位叔叔真的很有尊严.虽然他的眼睛看不见,但是他的心灵是最美的.他不会轻易要别人的钱.今天我十分高兴,而且这件事我会牢牢的记在脑海里的.因为,今天我也献出了我的一点点爱心.
初三作文 这样多美丽作文600字
One world, one a bodhi, there are
several strands of fragrance, I dump cup, Jun and free. --.
Wandering in
the trails, enjoying the morning gift: thin fog and cool wind.
Just when
I am a wisp of fragrance and stop, for half an acre Hanada and joyful admiration
in a tree a tree flowers bright, a piece of bright red handed broke into my
field of vision, I froze for a moment, immediately crept to walk past, as if a
large movement of the will it like stampede.
With the advancement of
footsteps I gradually see its appearance: a cluster of flowers large, colorful,
beautiful and colorful flowers elegant shape to appear in my eyes. Every flower
red full, colourful like red, from the top down on. I leaned to sniff, like a
faint fragrance of nasal inhalation. I do not know what is the flower, can have
such graceful! Is a noble flower! The baking melted fragrance, imperceptibly
dialed the most sensitive chord.
Bow sigh, like what long in the flower
root. It is the young? I was pleasantly surprised to go to the body. But see a
weak flowers against a single pale yellow flowers, and beside it beautiful
flowers compared to feel more sluggish, really let a person feel some pity. The
pale yellow flowers seemed alien to the bright flowers. ,
This is far
from the imagination. Stretch out the hand, want to take this evil scenery of
the floret pull to go. When the fingertips touch to it some vapid petals, think
it is not easy, some can not bear, stop the hand, but still feel it destroyed
the beautiful scenery here. My wet blanket stood up and looked down at it in a
proud gesture. Look at that piece of red again, how can the flower grow here?
With these beautiful flowers together, not disgrace? Experienced people laugh,
face beside beautiful neighbor. It should feel ashamed of one's inferiority! But
I can not see the right to see his inferiority. Dew also bully it, in its small
body, it seems a bit overwhelmed by the, bent down, I thought it caved in, the
crescent will cast its inferiority of the soul. Who knows it flick to the dew,
and happily straighten the body.
The fog dispersed, and the sun shining
in the earth. Yellow flowers like raise a head, meet the sun, smiling welcome
day, meet the life.
Suddenly, the loneliness of the heart, outside the
hustle and bustle of clouds of smoke dissipates. I understand that this is the
challenge in life, and he is not living in the shade with a plant that is more
luxuriant than himself.. Even if their existence is not recognized, but also to
live out their own unique beauty!
Such a beautiful, lingering in my mind,
faded my heart of the complex voice. Can not help but sigh: so much