2012个人围成一圈 ,1 ,2循环报数,报1的人留下,报2的离开.那么请问最后留下的是几号?
The research under Erwin Reifler at the University of Washington (Seattle) epitomized the word-for-word approach;
盛顿大学(西雅图)的Erwin Reifler所指导的研究概述了逐字对译的方法.】
it involved the construction of large bilingual dictionaries where lexicographic information was used not only for selecting lexical equivalents but also for solving grammatical problems without the use of syntactic analysis.
Entries gave English translations with rules for local reordering of output.
The huge lexicon made extensive use was made of English 'cover terms' for Russian polysemes, the inclusion of phrases and clauses and the classification of vocabulary into sublanguages.
After initial work on German and English, the group was engaged on the foundations of a Russian-English system for the 'photoscopic store'【1】, a large memory device rather similar to the laser disk.
From 1958 practical development was directed by Gilbert King at the IBM Corporation (Yorktown Heights, New York).
【从1958年起实践性研究由Gilbert King在纽约州约克镇高地的IBM公司里的负责指导.】
A system was installed for the US Air Force which produced translations for many years, until replaced in 1970 by Systran【2】 (see 7 below).
By any standards the output was crude and sometimes barely intelligible, but, unlike some MT【3】 researchers at the time, King never made excessive claims for his system. With all its deficiencies, it was able to satisfy basic information needs of scientists.
【无论从哪方面看,翻译机的输出都是比较粗糙的甚至有些时候几乎不够智能化,但是,Gilbert King与当时的一些机译研究者不同,他没有对自己研究的系统提出过高的要求.即使它有许多缺陷,也已经能够满足科学家对基本信息的需求.】
The Translator can trace its history to a June 1953 contract from the US Navy to the International Telemeter Corporation (ITC) of Los Angeles.
This was not for a translation system, but a pure research and development contract for a high-performance photographic online storage medium consisting of small black rectangles embedded in a plastic disk.
When the initial contract ran out, what was then the Rome Air Development Center (RADC) took up further funding in 1954 and onwards.
The system was developed by Gilbert King, chief of engineering at ITC, along with a team that included Louis Ridenour.
这个系统由国际遥测公司首席工程师Gilbert King带领团队完成,团队成员中有Louis Ridenour.
It evolved into a 16 inch plastic disk with data recorded as a series of microscopic black rectangles or clear spots.
Only the outermost 4 inches of the disk were used for storage, which increased the linear speed of the portion being accessed.
When the disk spun at 2,400 RPM it had an access speed of about 1 Mbit/sec.
当磁盘以2400 rpm的速度旋转是,读取速度大约为1兆/秒.
In total, the system stored 30 Mbits, making it the highest density online system of its era.
【3】MT:Machine translation 机械式翻译
1.The teacher warned us of taking in cyber friends.
2.Students should be encouraged to look up the dictionary frequently.
3.He's so careless that he often loses things.
4.Keeping silence doesn't mean having nothing to say.
5.You should make sure to go to see the doctor in time once you're bitten by a dog.
6.Nothing can substitute for mother's love in a child's growth.
7.The teacher lost the respect of the students as he failed to treat every students fairly.
8.The audience are required to turn the cell phone power off as soon as they enter the theater.
9.Being good at study as some students,they're not able to deal with their daily life.
10.There're chances that two ball teams from the same city meet in the final game.
11.He ran into his childhood friend when he was travelling in Singapore.
12.The century-old school is featured as building up students' responsibility.
13.It was finding out it was a fake when the old man found he was cheated.
14.Over cooking vegetables will spoil vitamins in it.
15.Court violation doesn't agree to the spirits of Olympic games.
16.She can't stand the teachers' sneer even though she's out-going.
17.What fun boating on the lake at a sunshine afternoon!
18.I think it a waste of time playing cards online.
19.It's necessary to deal with different situations.
20.You may get injured if you don't pay attention to the training methods.
1.You can not take these magazines out of the library.2.Jack shows his photo to me.3.She is sitting in front of the car with the driver.4.He often lends English book to his friends.5.English teacher always decorate give us a lot of homework .6.We trying our best to study for a test.7.Teacher wants to give us English homework.8.Does he do his homework in the evening or in the morning.9.She always likes reading books in bed .10.He does not drink milk in the morning, he often goes to school without breakfirst.11.Her mother often works overtime night, she often takes care of herself. 12.Do you live far away from school? Not far, I often go to school on foot.13.Workers are building the bridge on the river .14. When are you going to return the books on the table to the library?15.When does he go to sleep every night?16.What are you going to do during the holiday ? 17.Why does your English teacher not always correcting your homework?18.He always does his homework with his sister.