1..If there are only three days left in my life,to tell the truth,Idon't know what I will di if there are only there days left in my life.I have too many things to do maybe I will call my family and friends and I won't tell them I'm leaving.Also,I'll write the last diary online.We should du our favourite significant things by the limited life.Time is arrow,no one knows what would happen the next.We can choose the way we live even though we can't control our fate.There are many troubles in our life,but they all can be overcomed if we our best ,we can get it if we have the belief.
Everybody will have a bad emotion and when they feel bad they may hurt other's teart.Maybe it's conciously,maybe it isn't your basic nature.No matter how,it isn't reversible when my life come to an end.I will remember them—those who I have hurtd,I want to say sorry to them from my heart.If there are only daysleft in my life,I will use it effectively,Iwill try my best effort to help others and do some good things for them.For example,I'llgo to the nursing home、the orphanage、the hospital orlook after the wound.I'll go the red cross to have my things donated including my organs,such as my eyes and heart.I hope I can bring light to the blind and give the second life to the one who has heart trouble.Although I can't help too many people that's enough.
If there are only three days left in my life,I will leave the last day for my mother.Mum is the most important peson in my life,we quarrelled or talked with each other,we laughed and wept toghter.Mum has given me a lot,but I haven't paid anything back.I'll say sorry for my hurting her heart.Also I write her a letter ,I wish she may feel that I still live around her.At the begainning of this day,I'll get up early and cook a delicious breakfast for my mother.Then I'll walk in the park with my mother ,we lying on the grass and enjoy the sunshine ;we express our love by heart without any words.After we return our home,we may see the photos during
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假如我会变,我会变成一枝神笔,去帮助那些贫穷的人们.让他们过上丰衣足食的幸福生活. 假如我会变,我会变成水,把水洒到果园里,让果树长得更高,果子更甜. 假如我会变,我会变成一所学校,让那些没钱上学的孩子们也能在知识的海洋里翱游. 假如我会变,我会变成一栋大房子,给那些没有家住的乞丐和穷孩子们住. 假如我会变,我会变成一本电子书,给不懂看书的孩子们看. 假如我会变,我会变成一位老师,我当这位老师不是到城市里教那些城市孩子. 假如我会变,我会变成一套桌椅,给没桌椅的人们写字. 假如我会变……